a day before
i met four friends in hawker centre
the first respond from me was:
ohno, i wish i was not there
if i know they were here
i would not choose to be here
i am sorry guys for having this thought
i do say hi to all of you
i just do not know how to face it suddenly
forgive me o~
dont think i m cocky
no, i am not
i went to my former school
i saw many of my friends
i still think that i have not overcome the fear of meeting whole gang of people
i am not comfortable when seeing too many people around
especially all i known them
i am excited and happy actually
but in the same time
i feel 'kekok'
i feel stiffed
we went for our lunch in panorama
with some of them
one saying now we have upgrade to higher level
last time panorama is like our 5 star hotel
not daring to go
but now it seem like a normal coffee shop
went there to eat lunch
somemore later
my friends take me home
he suggested that he wanted to cut his hair
i said me too
then 3 of us go to cut our hair
another one just cut her hair few says ago
so she just sit aside looking us
he said he wanted to have hair that made him look thinner
so funny he was
i wanted to save for long hair
cut not much
but everyone who knows me sure know i have cut hair
because i have a new hairstyle
my 'front' hair cut short
it was straight at first (dont know the correct term)
she asked whether i used to it or not
if not she will cut layer a little bit
it was my first time cutting like this
quite shocked for me when taking the first look
i think she also could feel my suprise-ness
so she said she cut layer for me
then i see again
still okey
my friends say look fresh
when i backed home
my parents shocked and laughed too
dont be like that la
everyone must have the brave-ness to change
try acccept it
then it will look better and okey after some time
it makes me looks younger
it looks better without the glass
i stop here